AY-TEC SRL is an Italian company with more than twenty years of experience and has partnerships with major national companies in the gold sector. In the world market we are also active in the realization of complete systems for the production of machine-made chains (empty or solid) casting or empty hand.
The constant commitment to environment protection has enabled AY-TEC SRL to develop and implement systems for emptying which are fully ecological, without the use of acids and without the emission of toxic air emissions.
AY-TEC SRL can realize customized machinery and tools which allow customers to obtain unique products.
In the perspective to expand its supply capacity, AY-TEC SRL has created an operational subsidiary Ay- ROLLING which, as part of a long and consolidated tradition, operates the production of sheet and strip rolling mills, rolling mills for wire in various sizes to fit even get the empty barrel. The range of machines is fits with all the types of processing, from small laboratories to more structured industrial companies. All the machinery complies with safety standards and their quality and reliability are guaranteed by decades of experience in design and production.
• Ecological emptying plants
• Manual mills
• Motorized benchtop mills
• Motorized rolling mills and sheet thread
• Superfinishing mills for ultrathin strips
• Roughing Mills
• Rolling mills for full and empty thread
Via Fleming 11
52100 Arezzo (AR) Italy
Tel: +39 0575 380481
AYMAN EL-HAJJ HUSSEIN ayman@aytec.it
ELIO VASSALLI elio@ayrolling.com
Web: www.aytec.it
Mail: info@aytec.it